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Assault Charges in Massachusetts


Were you or a loved one recently accused of an assault crime? Time is critical when a person is accused of assault and battery. Not only may witnesses no longer cooperate, memories fade, and relationships change, but at arraignment, the prosecution may move for dangerousness under G.L. c. 276, 58A, to "hold" the accused without bail.

In addition, this offense has the risk of being elevated to a violent felony, and accused individuals need to quickly retain the representation of a dedicated criminal defense attorney to ensure that their rights and freedoms are protected. Without an experienced criminal defense lawyer, may find yourself facing mandatory minimum jail time.

The mere allegation of assault and battery can be fatal to a job application. If you hold a professional license regulated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in this chart, you need to speak with Adam Russell right away. In order to keep your professional license intact and your next renewal to include a finding of "good moral character" you need sound advice and direction.

Adam Russell has successfully represented and advises professionals, including:

  • Doctors, nurses, EMTs and other allied medical health professionals
  • Insurance / securities professionals
  • Teachers
  • Master electricians and plumbers
  • Other lawyers

If you have been arrested, now is the time to contact the Brighton criminal defense lawyer from Russell Defense Firm and schedule a free case evaluation as soon as possible.


According to G.L. c. 265, Section 13A., assault and battery is punishable by up to 2 1/2 years in the house of corrections.

"They don't want to press charges" is not a defense to assault and battery. The prosecutor is the one that brings the charges, not the alleged victim. It is not up to the alleged victim to decide whether to have the case dismissed.

"They won't show up" is not a defense to assault and battery. The Commonwealth can go forward at trial without the alleged victim's testimony if they have other adequate evidence.

It is important to note that, even if you are not charged with an assault crime, you could technically still be served a restraining order by the alleged victim. These restraining orders can cause many complications in your life, including affecting your family, work and other relationships. A restraining oder is sometimes called a protection from abuse, 209A, or stay away order.

Violation of a restraining order is another crime under G.L. c. 209A, Section 7. When someone gets a restraining order against you or you are arrested for assault and battery, the court shall order the immediate surrender of firearms, firearms licenses, and further restrictions upon your liberty. Often, this includes a stay away / no contact order involving the minor children.

The alleged victim has the prosecutor and police on their side; you need Adam Russell and his private investigators working for you!


As soon as possible after you are arrested, you need to contact Russell Defense Firm. Attorney Adam Russell stands ready to provide his clients with dedicated representation and can assist them in obtaining favorable outcomes for their criminal cases. When you work with his firm, he will thoroughly investigate every aspect of your case and ensure that your rights were never infringed upon during the arrest or booking.


With Russell Defense Firm, you may be able to reach a favorable resolution for your case. If you have been arrested and have questions or concerns about your situation, do not hesitate to contact Russell Defense Firm right away and schedule a free case evaluation.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one has been arrested and booked for a criminal offense, contact Russell Defense Firm right away. The firm is relentless in its defense of clients' rights and freedoms. Adam believes that his approach to addressing problems and working diligently to find solutions can lead to acquittals or significant reductions in charges for your case.

Contact the firm for a free case evaluation if you have questions. The firm serves all of Boston and the communities of Brookline, Newton, Waltham and Wellesley.
