Honest, Hardworking, and Genuinely the Lawyer for Anyone
I was in need of an OUI lawyer in MA and did not know of any. It was a week to Christmas 2011 and I was frantically Google searching for a lawyer. Adam Russell's name appeared and I searched him. I read his info online and he seemed like a fantastic lawyer I could hire. I emailed his site and received a call immediately. I explained my situation and he agreed he could help. I'm not from the Boston area and he agreed to travel west to represent me. He was thorough from the beginning. He asked specific questions and listened to me, not judging me. He called periodically as he put my case together. I was also allowed to contact him anytime.
Mr. Russell even went and took video. At times I was upset and anxious about my case, but he was confident about my case. He was prompt and had my best interest at heart. In the end my 2nd OUI was dismissed and I was able to walk out of court with my license. Many times I thanked him. He's honest, hardworking and genuinely the lawyer for anyone with driving convictions.I hope not to need him again but I would highly recommend him! Thanks Mr. Russell, I got my life back.