People accused of a crime should contact Russell Defense Firm because Adam C. Russell insists the government follow the law. He uses violations of your rights to expose wrongful conduct by the government- compelling judges and juries to find in your favor. "I love taking criminal cases to trial or motions and exposing what the government did wrong- proving your side of the story." A criminal case is a lawsuit. It's the government versus the citizen. The paperwork says United States or Commonwealth v. "You". Adam C. Russell fights for "You".
No matter how complex your case may be, Attorney Russell is ready to defend you. He has assisted clients who were facing charges for OUI, drug crimes, assault, and theft offenses. He fully commits himself to his clients, diligently working on their behalf. The Russell Defense Firm serves clients in Brighton and the greater Boston area:
Don't hesitate to call the firm if you have questions about your charges. Attorney Adam Russell does everything in his power to see that your charges are dropped are reduced. He is deeply dedicated to your cause, as he puts his clients as the highest priority. Get the defense you deserve by speaking to his firm today. Russell Defense Firm offers a free case evaluation for those who want Attorney Russell to review their case!